Never Comes alone,So it makes me think that this word has no confidence.
It also has no fixed characteristics.Sometimes it comes with nothing and
funnily;it becomes nothing else.Don't expect any more.Then sometimes it
comes with something.Then it makes you happy and you wait for a little more.
Whenever he calls me I realise he is in a hurry when he uses else in "ANYTHING ELSE"
I reply nothing else.My dear Saturday this "else"sometimes makes me wistful not because it has the potential to do so.But because of the way it use.
"anybody else" "somebody else" "what else" "how else" and "who else"
If you notice even though it comes in the end it makes us expect more.
Tell me what else can I give you ? look I used it in the middle;and it brought
me and
you together.What else could you possibly ask for?