Sunday, May 31, 2009

what is the solution for broken heart

what is the solution for broken heart ? Just want to know is there any software or hard ware for that ?Is there any technology that can help ?I don't think so but if you have this experience share it with others then people can fix their broken heart.Broken heart is painful no matter where you are and who you are .It has same pain .....But I want to tell you if you have a broken heart dont go any place go to God he is the only one can help you .He will not fight with you .He will not blame you .In fact this is the password to open that door ....I believe it .


  1. hey shahin ,
    Nice reading about ur profile.So u still dont pity hamlet.

    Great!.What is ur opiniun n life ,Do u thing life and luv are two individuals who need to get married always.

  2. To me life is a horse, a beautilful black strong horse which takes me were i wish to go thru great rivers ,high mountains ,snowy cloud,dense forest and all beautiful places.

    My luv sit with me on my horse and help me ride my horse.

  3. When the day is gone, i wil come home to the place i belong.Welcome back to my home to me.

  4. hey onin ,welcome to my luvely world :-) :-)
    ur are welcome with ur luvely horse

  5. There is no way to escape,no way to are there with me and no matter how far we are.You are close to my heart and all thatI know is,that there are times in our life when we try to go away,but come more is not a horse or any other thing.It is life and only life full of is mix with our blood,the moment we try to seperate love and life we will lose life.We can do everything through life,but nothing without it.The moment we try to be something we lose everything.Get ready to be nothing then u will find everything.

  6. what is the solution for broken heart ? Just want to know is there any software or hard ware for that ?Is there any technology that can help ?I don't think so but if you have this experience share it with others then people can fix their broken heart.Broken heart is painful no matter where you are and who you are .It has same pain .....But I want to tell you if you have a broken heart dont go any place go to God he is the only one can help you .He will not fight with you .He will not blame you .In fact this is the password to open that door ....I believe it .
