This is the last news that I am going to send to you.I gave up yesterday when a big sorrow found my address and knocked the door for my house.
I expected a friend or lover but not sorrow.
He came when I was a little tired of difficulty of my life.
I was shocked yet I am .
Dear Daddy should I be sorry about my weakness.
I gave up and it is the reality of your brave daugther.
I have one more bad news ,I lost my hope;you know how much hope I had for future.
I lost all that hope.
Sorrow came inside my place and ruined everything.You don't know how much I am tired.
Tired of fighting alone running alone and struggling to bring family together.
It is my last news,sorrow took all that I had
I sat in the corner of my room and I wept deeply
no one was there to touch my sadness
and I tried to wash all my sorrow with my tears
My dear How could you gave up when death came to you !
I am wondering if you had pain or there was no pain
But dear daddy sorrow brought so much pain in my heart ;the place that still has so much love for you captured with the hand of sorrow.
my dear daddy believe me as always you believed me I gave up fully.
don't call me any more brave .
No no i can never be down,i can never fail.
I have achieved so much in life ,which many can just dream.Why for i am
sad.Life is so good and Sun shining bright,Moon is in all its moonlight with me.
My saturday is with me as my sun,moon and river.I need not fear any one.
I swear u dear father like a great ship i will sail the deepest of ocean and reach my
Pardon me for thinking wrong.
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